Monday, February 10, 2025



Course of duration: The diploma in Pharmacy is three academic years. One academic year consists of maximum of 39 academic weeks and one academic week consists of maximum of 40 hrs

Enrollment criteria:

  1. Secured average GPA of atleast 2 with Grade C in mathematics, English and science
  2. Should pass entrance examPassed entrance examination organized by CTEVT.

Job opportunities ( /f]huf/Lsf]cj;/x?

  1. Diploma in Pharmacy makes person eligible to work as registered assistant Pharmacist

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  1. Getting job in government hospital pharmacy,Health related government department( 5th level)

 (;/sf/Lc:ktfn tyf :jf:Yo ;DalGw kmfd]{;Lsf] kfrf}}+ txdf hflu/ sf] cj;/

  1. Getting job in private hospital pharmacy and community pharmacy

 lghL tyf ;fd'bflos kmfd]{;Ldf hflu/sf] cj;/ .

  1. Person can work as Medical Representative of different national and international companies

/fli6««o tyf cGt/fli6««o cf}+iflw sDkgLdf d]l8sn k|ltlglwsf] ?kdf cj;/ .

  1. Getting job in drug manufacturing industries and different health related NGO and INGO

 cf}+iflw pTkfbg sDklg tyf ljleGg :jf:Yo ;DalGw P]g=lh=cf]=. tyf cfO{= P]g=lh=cf]=df hflu/sf] cj;/ .

  1. Can open their own retail pharmacy, wholesale business or surgical items shop

 cfkm\gf] kmfd]{;L, yf]s Jofkf/ tyf ;lh{sn k;n vf]Ng ;lsg] .

  1. Getting job in Nepal police and Nepal army as a assistant pharmacist

g]kfn k|x/L tyf g]kfnL ;]gfdf ;xfos kmfd]{;Lsf] cj;/ .

  1. Working as Lab. Technician in Pharmacy educational institutions

kmfd]{;L z}lIfs ;+:yfdf Nofj6]lSg;Logsf] cj;/ .

Curricular structure

First year

Second year

Third year



Pharmaceutics II


Pharmacology &therapeutics I

Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics II

Social Studies

Pharmaceutical Chemistry I

Pharmaceutical Chemistry II

Anatomy & Physiology


Hospital & Clinical Pharmacy


Biochemistry & Microbiology

Social Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence



Pharmacoepidemiology & Environmental Health


Pharmaceutical Management

Comprehensive Professional Field Practice


Health Education & Health Care System


Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Application







Course after Diploma in pharmacy

  • bachelor in pharmacy (B. pharm)
  • Doctor in pharmacy (PharmD)
  • Bachelor in public health (BPH)
  • Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery(MBBS)

College for further study: (for B. pharmacy, BPH, MBBS)

  1. TU (Tribhuvan University) and affiliated college
  2. KU (kathmandu  university )and affiliated collage
  3. PU (Pokhara University) and affiliated college
  4. (PU) Purbanchan University and affiliated college

Other college for MBBS

  1. Patan hospital
  2. BPKIHS etc

For PharmD, B. pharm, BPH and MBBS

- Pakistan                                       - India                                     - Bangladesh

- Russia                                          -   Philippines                          - China etc


Note:  In case of MBBS need to complete deficiency course of science conducted by National examination board (NEB) to be eligible for MBBS entrance examination. Only Patan Hospital (PAHS – Patan Academy of Health Sciences) will take directly for MBBS in Nepal

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Flyers 2079 DPh 2022-08-17 06-13-53.jpg